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Logo Design Worldwide

New York City’s #1 Logo Design Company

  1. Custom logo design, starting as low as $695.
  2. NO clipart. NO templates. NO shortcuts.
  3. Work with local designers in NYC.
  4. Only a 48-72 hour average turnaround time.
  5. YOU OWN the final logo design rights.



From the bulls of Wall Street to the shopping Mecca of Dubai to the textile markets of Bangkok– the internet is our portal to everywhere, making the world’s most remote markets accessible at any time, from any place.

In the age of connectivity, it’s not enough to build a website and hope customers will find you. You need a strong brand identity and memorable logo design so customers know you’re out there.

You have the time it takes potential customers to say “Hey Google” to grab their attention. Make it count.

Logo Design Packages

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Select package below. Apply coupon during checkout.

Initial Design Concepts

Rounds of Revisions

Photorealistic Mockups

Logo Styles Explored

Logo System

Brand Guideline



3 Initial Design Concepts

2Rounds of Revisions

NoMockups Not Included

Logo Style Basic
Logo Styles Explored

YesLogo System

NoBrand Guideline



4Initial Design Concepts

3Rounds of Revisions

NoMockups Not Included

Logo Style Standard
Logo Styles Explored

YesLogo System

NoBrand Guideline



5Initial Design Concepts

4Rounds of Revisions

Final RoundMockups Not Included

Logo Style Pro Professional
Logo Styles Explored

YesLogo System

NoBrand Guideline



6Initial Design Concepts

5Rounds of Revisions

Final 3 RoundsMockups Not Included

Logo Style Pro Corporate
Logo Styles Explored

YesLogo System

At-a-GlanceBrand Guideline



7Initial Design Concepts

6Rounds of Revisions

All RoundsMockups Not Included

Logo Style Pro Enterprise
Logo Styles Explored

YesLogo System

BookletBrand Guideline